Albanian President Meta said today that all his life he has supported young people in their attempts to be affirmed and empowered.
In his speech during the international event “Days of Open Lectures for Youth in Political Activity”, organized by the Balkan Youth Council, Meta praised the free initiative of young people, saying that if they had expected the change of the system from their parents, this would never happened.
“I wanted to go back 30 years when I was a student and part of the student movement that brought political pluralism to communist Albania. I remember that I have a conclusion today after 30 years, which is that if the youths would have expected the change from our parents, it would have never happened. This is because our parents, and because of the regime or the inhibitions that a parent has, would never take such bold steps that can bring about great change.
“Changes are made by young people in the name of their dreams, in response to injustices, this happens when they take responsibility and are united. This is a message that is valid at all times. I emphasize today that I think the country needs a big and strong change,” he added.
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