President Meta hints critic to foreign partners: Politicians must not hide behind international officials

18/03/2019 18:07

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, said that he has done all he has in power to avoid this serious political, constitutional, institutional and representational crisis, as he calls it.

“It is regrettable that the parties have rushed to deepen the crisis, but my duty is to appeal both sides for restraint and to reflect, because we must put our country’s interest first, and our country requires normality. But w ealso must keep increasing Albania’s contribution as a factor of stability in the region”, Meta said.

Meta also said that the Albanian politics should take its own responsibilities and not hide behind international partners, as it has happened so far.

When asked about the danger of Russian influence, the President said that this is not Albania’s case, although we all know Russia’s toxic interventions, at times.

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