President: “I didn’t reject Vetting Law, but presidency was treated as a random office”

26/09/2016 00:00

In an interview for the Voice of America, President Bujar Nishani
deeclared that he didn’t reject the Vetting Law, but left it pass
without being decreed for the reason that his institution was treated as
a random office. However, he did not turn into an obstacle.

“The Constitutional amends were of major importants for the justice reform process. We have a new Constitution today. It was not a rejection, but an expression of my remarks against several articles of this law, which should have been consulted with the President and could have been corrected. It is first related to the integrity of the President’s Office, which should be treated as it deserves, as an office, an institution that introduces dignity and integrity of Albanians. The President’s Office cannot turn into a random administrative office”, Nishani declared.

President Nishani was asked about the threat made to the Prosecutor General, but he didn’t talk about the conversation he had with him. Nishani declared that Albania needs to cut all political ties with crime, in order to succeed with the fight against organized crime.

“This is a direct question. I have discussed and I keep discussing several matters with the Prosecution General. Of course, with your understanding, these matters need to be within institutions. The organized crime in Albania is an institutional problematic, very real, and the fight against it should start with an act for detaching politics from the crime world”, the President said.

The President added that when returning to Albania, he will express his opinion about the law of waste import, which has recently passed in Parliament.

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