President decrees Budget 2012

14/12/2011 18:00

One week after the controversial voting in Parliament, the 2012 Budget
has received the “blessing” of the Albanian President, Bamir Topi.

The law for 2012 will enter in act 15 days after it will be published at the Official Book.

The government foresees in this budget more than 350 billion ALL in expenses and an economic increase of 4%. Most of the expenses will be used in infrastructure.

During the voting process, the majority considered this budget as conservatory, with sensitive budget cuts, although they promised that the wage and pension increase will continue even in the next year.

The opposition asked stronger cuts, saying that the country might cross the 60% legal limit. This declaration of the opposition was also supported by the international financial institutions.

The World Bank appealed for expense cuts, especially on infrastructure, so that health and education investments remain intact.

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