President decrees Adriatic Llalla for new GP

03/12/2012 00:00

The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, decreed Mr.Adriatic Alla as the next General Prosecutor of Albania.

The President’s decree was followed by a relation about the experience of Mr. Lalla. The President underlines that this name has had the consensus of the Albanian Parliament as General Inspector of the High Inspectorate of Audit and Asset Declaration, an institution that according to Nishani has been praised by the foreign community for its independence and the consolidated way of functioning.

Nishani declared that this candidate will be accepted by the political and public opinion on the same time. The candidacy decreed by the Head of State will wait for the consent of the Parliament.  

On the same day, Nishani decreed 23 June 2013 as the date when the next elections will be held, a date that had found consensus during the meetings held by the President and the Parliamentary Group leaders.

NDS greets Llalla’s decree

The New Democratic Spirit is the first political force that greets the decree for Adriatik Llalla as head of the Prosecution. Bamir Topi’s party declared that they welcome Llalla’s appointment, and recognize him as an efficient public official, a person of high professional integrity and a candidacy that can bring the necessary dignity to the General Prosecutor.

But NDS also adds that the process was anti-constitutional, since Ina Rama’s mandate ended in spring 2013.

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