President: “Communist figures are being glorified”

02/12/2016 00:00

President Bujar Nishani was in Brussels to be part of the conference:
“Crimes of the communist regime in Albania. Class war, inhuman crimes on
behalf of power”, organized by the former Belgian Minister of State,
Louis Michel.

The President criticizes during this speech the “works of art” created recently in Albania to remind the painful events of a totalitarian system.

“Unfortunately, there are several tendencies in Albania now to bring back the bitter past and to justify it. This damages our society, history and the young generations who have not lived that era. This is being done by glorifying figures who were consumed during the totalitarian regime, and by turning hateful dictatorship works, so called “art works”, in tourist areas and by giving a false illustration of historic events”, the President declared.

He added that although the resolution for punishing communist crimes entered in effect on October 30th, 2006, the Authority for Opening Communist Crimes was established after an unjustified delay.

The President says that the beatification of the 38 martyrs of the Albanian Catholic Church by Pope Francis should be taken as example and make the society reflect that criminals must be punished with law”, the President concluded.

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