The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, declared the list of 15
applicants who fulfill the criteria for the vacancies at the Supreme
This routine action of the President would ha received no attention if the Supreme Court was not flooded by cases to be reviewed, due to an open conflict between the President and the majority for the procedures created after the consequent rejections of seven presidential decrees.
This conflict remains open even after the change of the law for the appointments at the Supreme Court, for which Nishani sent two other decrees in Parliament for the Supreme Court.
The new law for the appointments in the Court foresees the establishing of the Consultative Council at the President, made of seven judiciary institution leaders. Its duty is to verify the implementation of the criteria of the names that are running for judges in the highest judiciary instance.
Since the new law entered in effect, the President has never established the council and now we will see if the Prseident will make any consultation for the decrees of the names they will send in Parliament for voting.
The second law obliges the President to appeal the Council within five days, starting from today, whilw Nishani has already started his trip in the USA.
The decree of the candidates for the Supreme Court on the report that will be built by the Consultative Council will show if the President will stand to the implementation of the new law which he considered as anticonstitutional.
What remains to be seen in this process are the legal amends that were drafted by the majority to end the conflict of between the majority and the President regarding the Supreme Court members.
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