Power line with Macedonia will reduce energy price, says Director of Transmission

17/05/2016 00:00

The power connection with Macedonia is the most important energy project that will be built these three years.

Engjell Zeqo, the Director of the Transmission System Operator said that together with the line of Greece, Montenegro and Kosovo, which start working in June, the connection with Macedonia will also reduce the transmission cost.

“Consumer will be the one profiting in the end, because there will be no cost for transmission from one place to another. The energy price will be lower, of course”, the Director said.

The power line will be 55 km long from Qafethana to Elbasan, and 70 km from Elbasan to Fier.

The Transmission System Operator says that another benefit with this power line, which will be completed by 2019, is the increased security for power supply in the most problematic areas of Albania, the south.

“There will be fewer losses, because there will be a 400 kilovolt line in the heart of southern Albania. The coastline in south and the Southeast of our country have a 220 kilovolt line, which puts us at risk. This is an assurance even for the building of the plants in Vjosa, and will also help putting at work the Vlore Thermo Central”, Zeqo said.

The project has a 70 million EUR cost, 49.8 million of which are loans from the KFW, 15.2 million come in grants and 5 million will be funded by the Transmission System Operator.

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