Pope Francis condemned the wars that have included various countries of
the world, which, according to him, have reached a frightening level of
cruelty by not saving innocent civilians, women and children.
“Torture has turned into a common instrument. These are the fruits of war, because we are in war here. This is the World War III, just fragmentized”, the Pope declared.
When asked about the relations with Beijing in the moment when his airplane was going through China, the Pope declared: “If I want to go to China? Certainly. Even tomorrow”.
The Holy Father then focused on the situation in the Iranian Kurdistan, where he sent his delegate, Cardinal Filoni. “I am ready to go to Kurdistan. There is a chance for this”, the Pope declared.
On his last day of visit in South Korea, Pope Frances gave a message for peace in the Korean peninsula.
“People should reject the mentality of suspect and confrontation, and find new ways for restoring peace”. Today mass is a prayer for reconciliation in the big Korean family. Jesus tells us in the Gospel how our prayer becomes more powerful when more people join. How powerful can this prayer be when the entire people desires something strongly”, the Pope declared.
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