Pope Francis continued the ancient tradition of the Holy Week, the feet
washing ceremony, which his predecessors had limited only for Catholic
He chose to visit the prison at the XVI Paliano Fortess, 75 kilometers south of Rome, where mafia prisoners are kept.
Pope Francis held a mass in front of the 70 prisoners. He washed and kissed the right foot of 12 of them, a gesture that celebrates the modesty of Jesus Christ towards his 12 apostles the night before he died on the cross.
Vatican explained that three of these persons were women, one of them was Albanian, 10 Italians and one Argentine, the Pope’s birthplace, who had also sent a letter to the holy father.
Most of the prisoners are former collaborators of three notorious crime organizations, Cosa Nostra, Camorra and Ndrangheta.
Pope Francis has condemned these people, and considered their members as devil worshipers.
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