Pomegranate festival in Lezha, the day dedicated to the miraculous local fruit

15/11/2023 21:14

Pomegranate is the symbolic fruit of the Lezha region in northwest Albania, where there are forest formations in the wild, as well as those cultivated in farmers’ orchards.

As every year this new tradition of the Pomegranate Festival comes with a local food fair in the center of the city where the traditional products are presented, where the inclusion of this fruit in cooking is promoted, as in recent years it has gained special importance for its nutritional values.

Lezha is also known for its artisans of Zadrima, whose traditional works are neatly combining with the modern craft.

In addition to the local citizens, some foreign tourists who had come just for the local event joined this event.

“We heard that it is a symbol of the city. We ride bicycles and every time we see pomegranates we pluck them from the tree and eat them for breakfast or any other meal, it’s very delicious,” said a French tourist.

Turned into a tradition for several years now, this holiday gives an additional dimension to tourism in Lezha.

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