Politicians of today lead like a leadership in their companies. If in
the past they used to work for the public’s benefit, an individual today
leads other individuals by keeping in mind his own interest, and this
model is spread throughout the political world too.
These are the conclusions of Guillaume Bigot, an Ipag Business School professor in France.
“The political leadership model of today is inspired and influenced by the economic world, and on the other hand, the political changes and their acting models imitate the economic leadership. People used to lead by keeping in mind the public’s interest. Today, an individual leads other individuals by keeping his own interest in mind. This model has been taken by the political world too. We used to have strong political individuals who served to the public’s benefit and were inspired by general causes. Certainly, they had their own ambitions, but never for their personal interest. The situation ha changed today and people in politics depend a lot from economic interests”, Bigot declared.
We all complain about the political leadership in Albania, but we keep electing the same people. The Albanian society suffers from the lack of new alternatives.
“This is not true only for Albania, but for the entire planet. There are very few new ideas and programs, and when this ideological aspect is blocked, everyone now sees his own personal interest and the political class of a certain age, the old one, will not let go of power because everyone now fights for his own interests and not for general ideas, that’s why there is a stalemate and a lack of new people with new ideas. My second answer is that in the world of today, the new generations with desire for power, do not see power at politics, because they keep thinking that power in politics is nothing in the world of today. They try to take power in the economic world”, Bigot underlined.
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