Police stops looking for murdered child’s body

19/03/2013 00:00

Police has found a location where they will continue the body of the
dead 11-year-old, Julian Cela, while waiting for more specialized

The researches at the Sharra landfill have been interrupted after police found it impossible to find the remains of the murdered 11-year-old boy. They say they cannot give good results in these conditions and that they need specific instruments, without giving more details. This apathy in the searches has caused a reaction among the relatives who demand more commitment.

“We trust justice and the state, but we see delays. The police arrived at 10:00, made a search and went away. They should have been more attentive when they brought the killer yesterday, because he found the blanket. But the searches were not conducted as they should”, say Cela’s relatives.

While the investigations are underway, the police has found the place where they will continue the researches, based on the confession of Adian Prrenjasi.

The relatives say that his declarations are contradictory and they have reserves about the judicial police actions. They say that the wastes collected on November 30th were dumped in another site, not where the killer says he saw the body.

Police has surrounded the Sharra landfill and suspended the destruction of the remains, but however, police is not sure they will be able to find it.

Civil society: 20 abuse pending cases

20 child abuse cases have not been resolved since 2008. Abusers have gone unpunished for various reasons, starting with family relatives who have dropped charges due to the mentality, but another cause are also the light punishments by the courts.

“In 2008-2009 there have been 8 cases in Prosecution, but these cases are pending due to the lack of evidence. The prosecution has its experts, but they want the civil society to do it. When the cases are pending, it means that something is wrong. There’s a prosecutor at the General Prosecution who deals exclusively with these cases. We have never heard any statement from him for these cases”, says Daniela Shkalla, coordinator of the KFTF.

Police also doesn’t have a database with the individuals who have been charged for such offences in Albania and abroad. This database would make it easier for the protecting structures in the community, and the offenders would behave differently.

“The people should be listed in a database and the database should be shared with the structures that protect children rights”, Shkalla added.

Another problem there is with the penal code, which should be harsher against abuses. There have been several requests to make harsher sentences for sexual abusers.

“We have made our suggestions to amend article 100, for harsher sentences for sexual abusers. If the penal Code says 7-12 years in prison, we asked 12-20 and also life sentence”, Shkalla declared.

Prrenjasi’s case, who was arrested after having several precedents, the child protection organizations ask more measures to prevent similar cases. 

Berisha: No return of the death penalty

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, considered this a barbarian act, and during a conversation with professors and students, he said that there’s no room for death penalty, since our country lives in an European area that doesn’t allow that.

Child abuser confessed

After sexually abusing with a minor two days ago, and after killing another 11 year old that he had kidnapped on November 30th, Ardian Prrenjasi will be investigated for other abuses.

There are suspicions for another abused child in the same neighbourhood. Ervin Karanxha, one of the prosecutors on this case, says for Top Channel that they are collecting evidence for other cases.

The Court of Serious Crimes continued the investigation in the house rented by the 45-year-old, who used to live there with a 24-year-old woman from Dibra. Investigators found traces of blood, but they were reserved with the media.

The neighbours say he was a stranger to them, although he lived very close.

“He had been living here for one year, but we never thought he could do this”, one neighbour says.

“We are terrified. We never thought this could happen in our neighbourhood”, adds another.

Ardian Prrenjasi confessed that he strangled the first child inside his house and then disposed the body in a garbage bin. The victim’s family is hoping to at least find the body to mourn. The second victim who was miraculously saved by the police lives only a few houses away.

Police is searching for the body in Tirana’s landfill

The child abuser Ardian Prrenjasi confessed that he disposed of the victim’s body by dumping it inside a garbage bin.

Police took him this morning on site, hoping to find the body even with the help of dogs. However, it was impossible for the dogs to find the body in those conditions, since it should be contaminated by the waste materials.

 Ministry is inspecting his cases since 2008

The Justice Ministry declared that they had started inspecting a case of 2008, when Prrenjasi had kidnapped a child inside his house, who had been able to escape.

For this act Prrenjasi was charged only with 60.000 ALL (600 USD). Police declares that he was charged for the same act a few years earlier in Elbasan. However, he is not on the police list of suspects.

The 11-year-old child was saved a few minutes before being hanged

An 11-year-old boy was kidnapped and raped by Ardian Prrenjasi for 20 hours. Prrenjasi had asked the child to buy something for him, and then invited him inside the house, threatening him to kill his parents if he made any noises. His parents were looking for the child in the entire area. He was found only this Sunday at 14:10, in the apartment that was rented by Prrenjasi, hidden by the aggressor in the wardrobe. In the bathroom the police found a rope that coincided with the child’s height. Police suspects that he was about to hang his victim. When arrested, Prrenjasi had a knife on his hand.

Disappearance of 11-year-old boy

Sajmir Cani, who works in Tirana’s police, declared that his son disappeared this Saturday evening. He was playing with his peers and didn’t return home at 19:00, as usual. The family looked for him in the entire area. The child’s grandfather noticed that some people called Ardian Prrenjasi at his door, and he didn’t answer, although the curtain moved a few centimetres from the inside. This raised suspicions about the loss of his nephew, and called the police. The police broke in and found the boy inside the wardrobe, while Prrenjasi was hiding inside the bathroom with a knife on his hand and a rope, probably to hang the child.

2nd victim is hospitalized

The 11-year-old victim was sent to the hospital in very grave psychological conditions. The victim’s grandfather told the “Shqip” newspaper that he is in good physical conditions, but he hasn’t said a word even to his mother, whom he embraced in tears as soon as he met her.

Neighbors say he was always friendly to children

No one would think that a child abuser was living in the “Bujar Kaloshi” road in Lapraka, Tirana. He had no adult friends, but he was friendly to the children. He used to ask them to buy him cigarettes, and when they returned he left them the rest of the money.

Ardian Prrenjasi has also lived with a girl from Peshkopia in that house, which was much younger than him. However, no one of the residents had entered in any conversation with him.

Prrenjasi fined with $600 for kidnapping a child in 2008

Ardian Prrenjasi was found guilty in 2008 for kidnapping a child. However, Judge Shefkie Demiraj fined him with 600 USD, while Prosecutor Blerim Tominaj had asked a fine of 100.000 ALL.

On 30 April 2008, Prrenjasi had consumed alcohol with his friends after work. When returning home, he had asked a young boy from the neighbour’s to help him take the keys from his pocket, since his hands were busy. Then he asked the child to open the door, and once they were inside, Prrenjasi told the child that he was kidnapped and his father had to pay for his release. The victim’s cousin was waiting outside and started calling him, being concerned. The victim made good use of this moment and was able to escape. His family sued him at the Police Precinct nr.3. However, the Court only fined him with 600 USD.

Child abusers’ relatives wish him dead

“My brother deserves to die”, declares Besnik Prrenjasi, brother of Ardian Prrenjasi.

He said his brother showed mental problem after serving in the army, and the family has cut him out for the last 15 years.

“We have not communicated with Ardian for the past 15 years. He deserves to die. He was sentenced to four years in prison in Greece for the same reasons”, his brother declared. 

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