The Ministry of Interior has declared that the murder rate this July is 61.5% smaller than the same month of one year ago.
Five murders have been verified during July, five of which are domestic crimes. One year ago there were 15 murders for July, three of which were double homicides.
One of the murders in July 2013 was committed during robbery. Armed robberies have also dropped, since only one took place in July, compared to seven in the same month of the last year.
319 crimes were identified in July, with 389 people being arrested. 96% of the criminal cases have been resolved.
Road accidents have also dropped with 33%, with July being at the lowest point in the past 10 years.
Fatal road accidents have dropped with 33.3%, accidents with serious injuries have dropped with 60.97% and acidents in total have dropped with 23.07%.
Police has given twice more fines. From 27,694 in total in 2013, to 54.981 in 2014.
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