Police arrests robbers from Facebook

03/01/2012 22:39

The Greek Police has been able to arrest a group of Albanian criminals through facebook.

The agents have seen the photos that a 20 year old had posted on Facebook, in which he was posing with the guns used in the robberies.

Police was able to arrest six members, from 20 to 30 years of age, charged of robbing more than 24 gas stations and shops under gun point.

Among them is the 20 year old, Krisard Pusi, resident in Athens, who had been considered a terrible criminal in the northern neighborhoods.

The criminals have used their weapons for frightening the victims in at least five robberies. Police is looking for three other persons.

After searching the Sepolia and Nea Halkidona neighborhood, the Police found AK-47, handguns and granades.  

Pas hetimeve të policisë në dy shtëpi në lagjen Sepolia dhe Nea Halkidona, janë gjetur në cilësinë e provës materiale kallashnikovë, pistoleta dhe granada dore dhe menjëherë është publikuar si person në kërkim Krisard Pusi dhe vëllai i tij Pëllumb Pusi, 27 vjec.

Krisard Pusi had posted other photos on Facebook, showing off his weapons and the robbed money. His friends list also made the Police work much easier for finding the other members of the gang, and for issuing an arrest order for his brother, the 27 year old Pellumb Pusi.

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