While you’re enjoying the holidays of this summer season, one of your
concerns is that your house might get robbed. Police has some
suggestions for people who leave their houses for the summer.
“You can advise your neighbors that when someone knocks on your door and asks if there is anyone there, the neighbors must answer that yes, you’re there but you’re out for the moment. If the neighbor says that you have left home for several days, there are more chances for thieves”, declared Benet kola, head of the Police Station 3 in the Albanian capital.
According to the police, referring to the cases discovered during this summer, thieves watch if the window shades are closed or not, as a sign that no one lives in the residence. For the police, it means that the citizens must find their own ways to make their houses safer.
“Thieves see if apartment windows have the window shades closed or not, if the air conditioning is working or not. Sometimes they attach a piece of paper on the door and if the paper is still there they understand that there is nobody home. The citizens must keep their windows shades open”, Koka underlined.
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