Police Academy reconstruction, Rama: “Police with better standards”

26/02/2015 00:00

The reconstruction of the premises of the Police Academy in Tirana was
made through a project of the EU. The EU Ambassador to Tiarna, Romana
Vlahutin, declared that this investment must influence a better
recruitment of officers.

Vlahutin has underlined the importance of activating trained police officers in the fight against organized crime. She promised that the support of the European police missions, such as PAMECA, will continue for Albania even in the future.

Prime Minister Rama valued that the transformation process of the State Police is irreversible.

“We have started a radical and irreversible transformation. From a disoriented structure that it was one year and a half ago, the State Police is turning into a structure that has EU standards. And this is only the beginning. We have still a lot of work ahead, even more painful and with more sacrifices than what has been made so far”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister added that the approach of the police towards the citizens has changed. He said that this is not the ruined police that he found when coming to power.

“322 police officers have been criminally prosecuted during 2014. 897 others have been punished for a series of reasons. This gives us the image of a dramatic ruin that the police had until one year and a half ago. A ruin that still has its inertia. Let us try together to have a police like the one that citizens are looking for”, Rama declared.

On the same line, the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, underlined that the Ministry led by him is doing a great job for enriching the CVs of the police.

“We must follow the standards that our citizens request for the police. We must make this a safer country”, Tahiri declared.

By underlining that the current climate at the State Police is better than before, Tahiri commented the recent violent episodes of the blue uniforms.

“As regards what happened recently with some police officers, those are not the right models to follow”, Tahiri declared, adding that the number of punished police officers goes at 1200.

“Hundreds of disciplinary measures have been taken during January and February. Police today is far from the situation in which we found it”, Tahiri added.

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