During a meeting with the doctors and personnel of the Tirana University
Hospital Center, Rama declared that this hospital is the image of ruin
in this country.
“This hospital is staying on its feet only because of the hard work of a bunch of doctors and staffers who haven’t abandoned their humane mission. This hospital stays on its feed thanks to the foundations established by the founding fathers of the Albanian medicine, who were able to build their career abroad but they decided to return here. It stays on its feet even due to the hard work of the young doctors full of dreams and passion, but this is not a hospital of today, regardless of the money that has been spent for 20 years”, Rama declared.
The Prime Minister declared that the TUHC has 22 million USD of unpaid obligations to medicine suppliers. Tis kind of debt, according to Rama, has put the Albanian economy in a great difficulty, but Rama hopes that by changing the system of the hospital this problem will be resolved.
“We don’t want to use the hospital’s debt as a justification, but we will pay these debts, because that is our responsibility. With the new system we will turn hospitals in places of solidarity, not just for diagnostics”, Rama declared, explaining the decision to appoint Ogerta Manastirliu as Director.
“We have trusted a new director that doesn’t come from this system. The leader of the hospital doesn’t have to be a doctor, but a person who protects the interests of the sector by protecting the interest of the public and by guaranteeing dialogue, responsibility and partnership”.
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