PM Rama: The transmission of the virus could increase but the option of closing schools was worse

07/09/2020 15:29

In a conversation with a group of teachers, Prime Minister Edi Rama warned today, among other things, that the opening of schools is expected to bring a significant increase in the possibility of transmission of Covid-19, but on the other hand explained why the option of closing schools was not applicable.

“ We know very well that with the opening of schools, the possibility of broadcasting the virus increases significantly, but appreciating this decision and seeing what others have done, the option of closing schools was the worse option. We cannot calculate this, but all countries have taken into account the risks and have considered them acceptable in relation to the risk that not reopening of schools has in itself “, said Rama.

Rama further added:

” This situation will definitely positively challenge teachers in the country’s schools and will add opportunities to compensate through the televised lesson we are organizing for the remote areas”.

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