PM Rama says SP would have had a majority without SMI

31/01/2017 00:00

The Socialist Party held an assembly meeting today. Sources from inside
said for Top Channel that Prime Minister Rama spoke for the first time
about the coalition with Ilir Meta’s Socialist Movement for Integration.

“The SMI is within their right to play tactically, but our position doesn’t change and we will not turn this strategic partnership into a tactical matter. Certainly, the SMI can go on its own, but this should not distract us from our objective”, Rama said.

But the most important declaration was about the number 71, which is the minimal number of Parliamentary seats needed for a party to form a government and have a majority in a Parliament with 140 seats.

According to Edi Rama, with the votes received in 2013, the Socialist Party receives 69 seats only if they stay in coalition with the SMI, PJIU and NDS. But the coalition takes 71 seats if the SMI is on its own, because such is the formula.

The Prime Minister said the alliance with the SMI created a solid majority for realizing reforms. Reforms, Rama said, are the reasons why they were allied with Meta. Not numbers.

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