PM Rama reacts to the president’s criticisms on electoral changes: A very greedy man!

05/10/2020 15:42

Prime Minister Edi Rama has used harsh language against President Ilir Meta regarding criticism of changes to the electoral code, saying that Albanians have given him everything while he himself does not know what he wants.

“What does Albania owe still to Ilir Meta? They have given Ilir Meta the post of Prime Minister, Speaker of the Assembly and President. What should Albanians still do for Ilir Meta? A man who is never satisfied and does not stop confusing the people. What does Ilir Meta still want from Albania? ” said Rama.

Rama further tried to justify the changes approved by parliament.

“When we talk about formulas, we talk about preferences. We do not invent them, formulas are invented by other countries. We have studied how Open Electoral Lists work in Europe. We saw some mechanisms and we chose. But the DP also has the responsibility to present a team and change its lineup. As the voter determines who enters and does not enter the field. In the end the standards are guaranteed. No one enters this law today as an MP without the consent of the people. The great Parties have the responsibility to elect men and women to be elected to the Assembly and the Committees. Albanians will choose their own representatives. You will see that there will be cases where it will be proven”, said Rama.

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