PM Rama: “New pension scheme has no limits”

20/12/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, declared that if the retirement pension
reform would have been done 20 years ago, senior citizens would be paid
more today. He explained the new scheme, which, Rama says, has no
“ceiling” limit.

“The pension scheme that we inherited produced 450 million USD of deficit every year. This means that this money was covered by the state. It was a scheme created in 1993 with the logic of 1947”, Rama said.

The PM added that war against informality has increased the number of those who contribute. Without the limit, those who have paid enough contributes could even have a 40.000 ALL pension, while the government has saved 100 million USD through the first nine months of the reform. Rama added that the reform also has a social pension, which also pays those who have not contributed.

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