Prime Minister Edi Rama along with Minister of Health, Ogerta Manastirliu inspected today the new Covid 3 and Covid 4 hospitals.
According to Rama, these two hospital structures are already ready to receive the first coronavirus patients and are equipped with all means required for treatment.
“Covid 3 and 4 hospitals are ready as we never, not in a moment, since this war started, have been caught unprepared, but on the contrary. Reserve staffs have been recruited, trained and are on standby. Do not forget #Mask #Distance #Hygiene #Protect Health and of course we continue forward”, Rama writes in a Facebook post.
Meanwhile minsiter Manastirliu said that the hospitals in question are expected to open next week treating additional new cases of Covid-19.
Manastirliu stated: This week will be the functioning of this structure. Doctors and nurses have been trained for weeks and are ready to provide service with all protocols. They are ready to start. We did rehabilitation. There are 150 beds here as there is practically a intensive care unit if needed, according to protocol.”
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