PM Rama from Vlora on Meta: The President is campaigning, Ilir Meta, official candidate of his party in Vlora

10/04/2021 17:43

Prime Minister Rama has harshly criticized the opposition and President Meta for their behavior during the election campaign, accusing that with their gatherings they risk increasing coronavirus infections.

“Unfortunately we have an infectious energy with these street weddings of those who have put the interest of the party and that of power, above the people’s health. This too will end soon, we pray that the cost is not affordable “, said Rama.

Prime Minister Rama from the city of Vlora where he visited the vaccination process, again attacked the head of state Ilir Meta, saying that he is officially a candidate in Vlora, under the banner of his political party. “The president, or more precisely Ilir Meta is the official candidate of his party in Vlora”, said Rama referring to LSI, the party formerly led by Meta, now led by his wife Monika Kryemadhi.

“He conducts a scandalous campaign, with subjects investigated by the OFL crime agency, accompanied by judges and prosecutors who have been eliminated by the vetting process. They dream of revenge through Sali and Ilir, whose main goal of revenge is to regain justice control and immerse justice system in the mud of the past “, said the Prime Minister, referring also to the former opposition leader Sali Berisha.

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