With the candidate Agon Malaj for a second mandate in the local elections, PM Rama said today that the socialists aim to continue governing in Mat. “They propagated democracy as their monopoly, seeing all others as enemies, treating socialists as communists, as persecutors… But they do it for their career and for their ambition for power, as they were even ready to change their face completely, to completely change the mask”, Rama said about the political rivals of the opposition.
“But today that mask has been removed, not by us, but by our great ally, the USA, and it has become an unusable and unwanted mask”, added Rama, referring to the ‘non-grata’ declaration of Sali Berisha.
He explained to the residents of Klos, why they should not vote for the candidates of the socialists.
“In Klos we couldn’t imagine these things faster than creating the road connection and now with a 40-minute connection to Tirana, we don’t have to go back to Bedri.
We must keep these people away from the City Hall because by introducing Bedri there, they will push us further away”, added the Prime Minister referring to the opposition candidate.
“He got the stamp on his forehead, ‘undesirable’ for the United States and America but also for Europe, when America puts the stamp, Europe no longer opens the door”, added Rama, referring to the former prime minister of DP opposition, Sali Berisha.
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