PM Rama apologizes to Italy

07/06/2016 00:00

Prime Minister Edi Rama underlined that what happened today with the
Chief of Police and the arrest of two other leaders makes him publicly
apologize to Italy, and underlined that this is unjustifiable, another
signal for the national emergency for passing the justice reform.

“I strongly support the explanations brought from Italy through the Italian ambassador, without any obligation, but only as expression of the sincere friendship and good will, only for bringing facts to the political surveillance stories, which should have been enough for the Prosecution to not be involved in such a low political mechanism. Unfortunately, our friends who have supported Albania with every difficulty in the past 25 years, have the right to feel hurt by their indirect involvement in an absurd investigation and the extreme action that was undertaken today by the Prosecution. I want to apologize for this oddity to the Italian partners, which has damaged a good cooperation that for so many years have helped Albanians and made them benefit so much that we will never be able to repay our good neighbors”, Rama declared.

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