PM meets recycling industrialists, President meets environmentalists

07/10/2016 00:00

Recyclists and environmentalist were at the same hour where each of this group see more support.

Recyclists met with PM Rama, who addressed with irony to the opposition’s accusations that they had given him 4 million EUR for starting the law.

“Each of us today has a 4 million EUR loan. We are not rich. We have many debts”, said one of the recycling industrialists.

Representatives of the Alliance against Waste Import met with President Bujar Nishani to ask him not to decree the law.

“Now it is up to the President”, said activist Kozara Kati.

“We received from the President the integrity of his institution, through the sensible and concerned voice of our citizens”, said environmentalist Sazan Guri.

The President guaranteed that he would not disappoint the public interest of the Albanian people, insinuating that he might return the law.

However, PM Rama is now focused on support the recycling industry, saying that without this step Albania would lose 234 million EUR in technology, Albania would be less cleaner, and 1000 jobs.

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