PJIU: “We will talk about Chameria, not about SMI”. Special Commission for the Cham case

14/01/2017 00:00

While the Socialist Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration are
being involved in intensive debates about the possible coalitions
before Elections 2017, MP Mesila Doda, from the “Party for Justice,
Unity and Integrity”, has filed a request in Parliament regarding the
Cham tragedy.

Doda has requested a special Parliamentary Commission which should cooperate with historians and international law experts, in order to look into the archives of our neighboring countries and write a complete, detailed story, about how the Albanians of Chameria were evicted from Greece, and what has been the role of Albania and of other countries in that tragedy.

“This material will be there even for future governments, which should follow every legal step for this genocidal act, which is what every government should do”, Doda said.

When asked by Top Channel about the declaration of the Justice Minister, who seemed unhappy with the PJIU being part of the Socialist Party coalition, Doda gave a bitter answer:

“I don’t want tp mix such an important matter as the Cham case, with senseless declarations, similar to those coming from “Syriza” in Athens”, Doda said.

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