PJIU rebels against Foreign Minister

06/04/2012 00:00

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmond Haxhinasto, declared that the
term “Chameria” doesn’t exist, and this statement provoked a harsh
reaction from the Party for Justice, Integration and Unity, which
defends the interests of the Cham community.

Minister Haxhinasto, at the same time vice leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration, released this declaration during the “Debat” Show of journalist Alfred Peza.

PJIU distributed a mail reaction in which they have explained in details that the term “Chameria” derives from the river that in ancient times was called Thiamis, and that “Chameri” was an official term for the Greek government until the ‘40s.

PJIU says that the term was later replaced with “Thesproti”, as the term of one administrative subdivision, and not a geographic toponym”, PJIU declared.

By mentioning the cases when Albanians have not been allowed to enter Greece, due to their origin written in passports, the PJIU explains that their passports show only the name of the town or the village where they were born, such as Paramithi, Gumenica, Parga, Magerlica, Filat, etc.

PJIU declared that the Albanian state should see how Macedonia and Turkey have resolved this identical problem with Greece, rather than staying in apathy, and how they allow their Greek citizens to have Smirni and Constantinopulos  written in passports, which are the names of Izmir and Istanbul.

For PJIU, it is unacceptable that the Albanian Foreign Minister, who should protest and reject with historical arguments the claims of the Greek government, in fact supports their theories.

“The Albanian state must oppose this absurd position, or our party will continue alone the institutional battle for the denied rights”, PJIU concludes.

PJIU became part of the governing coalition a few times ago, having two MPs in parliament, the votes of whom in this moment are as important as the SMI votes.

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