PJIU leader disappointed by Foreign Minister’s visit

26/03/2016 11:50

MP Shpetim Idrizi, leader of the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity,
criticized for the visit of Ditmir Bushati in Athens, a visit that
according to him doesn’t complete the three key principles.

The PJIU leader said that the public diplomacy and the reciprocity agenda were not implemented by the Albanian representatives.

“The fact that the Foreign Minister mentioned the Cham case as a matter of missing rights, and not just an issue of properties, is another step. But my disappointment comes because the Minister did not implement the three key priorities of public diplomacy, the common agenda and reciprocity. The Foreign minister should have mentioned the Cham Case at the joint press conference with the Greek counterpart so that it is not treated as a taboo”, Idrizi said.

The PJIU leader said that Bushati was not in the right level in this regard, especially since this is according to the Parliament’s resolution.

As for reciprocity, Idrizi accused the Albanian government of not having its own agenda in their talks with the Greek part, but he is simply accepting the agenda of Athens.

As for the Syrian Crisis, the PJIU supports the stance of the government for following a general European plan. To those who criticized this stance, Idrizi reminded them the case of the Kosovo refugees.

“Albania welcomed hundreds and thousands of Albanians from Kosovo and Greece reacted by closing borders, declaring they would not accept any refugee from Kosovo without a joint solution from the EU”, he said.

Idrizi mentioned the war law, the maritime border and social insurance, for which he said there will be an interpellation from the Albanian government.

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