The Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity asked the Albanian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to inform Albanians about the progress of the talks with Greece, regarding the Cham case. He reminds the resolution that entered into effect in 2012.
“We demand the Prime Minister and the Foreign Ministry to inform the Albanian citizens, especially Cham Albanians, about the progress of the talks that affect more than 300,000 citizens, who expect the Albanian authorities to resolve this matter with reciprocity. 20% of the Cham Albanians were killed and 80% were moved through an ethnic cleansing never-before-seen in Europe. Our Foreign Ministry has the constitutional obligation for reciprocity and to inform the Chameria association for raising a monument and cemetery for thousands of Cham Albanians who were killed not in a war, but on the steps of their homes”, the PJIU states.
PJIU says that the Albanian delegation gives only confusing information, while the Greek Foreign Minister, Kotzias, has already stated that there have been no discussions about the Cham Albanians.
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