PJIU comments Greek Minister declarations; “Neo-Nazizm reigns in Greek Parliament”

12/06/2015 00:00

The leader of the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity, Shpetim
Idrizi, met with the Tirana Unit 5 citizens and commented the
declaration of the Greek Foreign Minister: “Neo-Nazism reigns in the
Greek Parliament, not in the European spirit that our party is
conveying”, Idrizi declared.

“It is ridiculous to think that someone coming from history museums is trying to create complexes about us. PJIU and our predecessors have never been part of Nazism or Fascism, on the contrary. Those who committed genocide on the Chameria Albanians, today are trying to blame the victims for this. The Greek Parliament has Nazi and Fascist parties, like the Golden Dawn. PJIU is only based on the basic human rights and freedoms, which is European”, he declared.

“I appeal Albanians to see their future as Europeans and without any connections with the Nazi of Golden Dawn, who are today in the Greek parliament, followers of Napoleon Zerva who committed the most horrendous massacres against the Cham Albanians”, Idrizi declared.

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