The Italian leader of the European left parties, Gianni Pittella, in an
interview for Top Channel, became indirectly part of the internal debate
of the SP, saying that it is up to the Socialists to decide about their
party leader, but Rama deserves to keep the leadership of his party.
TCH: You will travel to Albania for the Socialist Party Congress. Are
you informed about the internal debates of the SP?
Ganni Pittella, President of S&D at the EP: Sincerely, not. I am more interested on the situation in Albania, on what the government is doing and what will do, and the SP Congress in general. But I am not interested about the divisions between the party, if there are. Those are internal issues.
TCH: Do parties of your Socialist family in Europe hold elections for the leader, even when he has won the general elections?
Gianni Pittella: Yes, certainly. In many countries, the party leader coincides with that of the government leader. Matteo Renzi in Italy is PM and DP leader. The same goes in several European countries. I don’t see any irregularity.
TCH: Do leaders stay even after their mandate is over, without holding elections?
Gianni Pittella: This is an exclusive decision of the Socialist Party in Albania. It is not up to Gianni Pitella or others. This is a free and independent decision taken by those who hold the SP card. I think that Rama deserves to keep leading the party, based on his work as PM.
Prepared by: Arta Tozaj
Top Channel