The Parliament Members had a physical confrontation between each other
in the Commission of Laws. Parliament Members Strazmiri, Qefalia and
Prenga clashed after some ironic comments between them.
Gent Strazmiri: There was a petition from the majority for removing Zana Xhuka and she was removed. Do you see a solution in having Xhemal and Pirro at the High Council of Justice for an inspection, and try to remove people from the HCJ?
This was the declaration that was followed by physical clashes between the Parliament Members. One of the persons who were part of the Secret Service Inspection Group, Xhemal Qefalia, asked Strazimiri to not mention his name as long as he doesn’t mention his.
Witnesses say that the Democratic Party MP has attacked the Socialist MP physically. Other Parliament Members left the Commission after hearing noises and that’s when the second clash started.
This cause the other members to leave the Commission, which was reporting for the new draft laws, and try to stop the conflict.
Parliament Members Ruci, Fino, Shalsi, Bylykbashi and Parliament Security officers intervened and stopped the fight. Both Parliament Members who were part of the physical clash left the Commission of Laws.
“Something very serious ha happened in the Albanian Parliament and it is useless to speak about inspections. An opposition Parliament Member has just been physically attacked because he did his job, reported the problems. It is useless to continue with the discussion. This Commission is over. We cannot stay any longer in this Parliament”, Bylykbashi declared.
The three laws were voted in principles, while the Socialist Party Parliament Members didn’t give any declaration.
Basha: Rama, pressure against the opposition
After the incident, the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that the majority and Edi Rama personally have created a scenario for using pressure against the opposition, part of which is the physical violence, as shown in today’s events.
“Parliament Member Strazmiri suffered a deliberate attack. Edi Rama hides behind this attack, who wants to shut the opposition’s voices. Rama has given the Parliament seats to people who are part of the drug cartel. I condemn the thuggish actions that took part today, and Rama’s scenario for threatening the opposition Parliament Members and the democracy in our country. Rama has failed in every sense, failing as results even with democracy in our country. This is the dangerous scenario that Rama is trying to install through the help of the drug cartel people who are in Parliament. The Democratic Party has always won against these regimes, and we will win again. Edi Rama will answer for this scenario of violence”, declared the Democratic Party leader.
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