Pharmaceutical market blocked

08/08/2013 15:45

The pharmaceutical market risks remaining without medicaments. The
Tirana Customs has blocked several trucks of medicine for more than one
week, even vaccines for newborns, staying under the sun and not passing
the customs.

This happened because the stamps for the medicaments should be bought by a company that has the production concession, received by the government. Then they have to be sent to the companies that trade medicaments abroad, which has not been accepted by them.

“This concessionary wants to profit more, but this is not something you do with medicaments, because it is the people who suffers from it. An order has blocked the medicine trucks, and this is a scandal”, declared Kastriot Zotaj from the association of gross pharmaceutical vendors.

The debate started in December between the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry of Health and the distributors of medicaments and representatives of large companies that produce them.

They did not accept to buy the stamp by distributors and to be sent to the companies that produced them abroad. This would demand anopther investment and the request was made only from Albania, whch makes a small part of their market.

So far the pharmaceutical market has worked flawlessly. But the customs has blocked several trucks in the first days of August, after being ordered by the Ministryof Finances.

“We have made it clear to the Ministry of Finances that their order is making this concessionary act like this. Nowhere in Europe can you see such problems, because this is about human lives”, Zotaj underlines.

Zotaj explains that this is done only to send unfair profits to this concessionary company, while it guarantees that the import will be interrupted, making room for medicine smuggle.

“The procedures at the Medicine Control Center are very regular, starting from prices. Why should this change, when everyone there is an expert. This concessionary should give up, because no pharmaceutical company in Europe will accept the stamps. This will only make smuggling flourish”, Zotaj added.

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