Pediatrician advises against the use of mobile phones to calm children and babies

16/09/2023 15:44

September marked the return of children to kindergartens and schools, thus reactivating the Child-Parent-Teacher relationship triangle.

Pediatrician Lira Gjika gives in an interview some suggestions on how to make this cooperation more efficient.

“The value of school lies in the fact that no matter how many changes you experience, when you return to work, you continue where you left off. But with the return to school, the children have forgotten almost three quarters of the things they learned. This is also due to the fact that we still have a style of education that scares children, creates anxiety, tells children that they do not know or that they are not capable.”

“The good professional appreciates what the child has learned, that little growth and praises it. The thing the child knows best is that he doesn’t know, and if we tell him what he doesn’t know, we have severed relations with them, which in turn become fear, shame and incapacity for our children”, says Gjika.

“The school has the duty to teach us and organize the mind of the individual, the citizen, while the family is the place where we learn to love. What we learn in school must be confirmed in the family.”

“Technology is a human invention and it is up to man to use it well or badly. It is very important that we communicate with each other. Of course we will stay on the phone for 2-3 hours because it is a work tool, but not so as to become strangers within our family.

“It is true that technology is being misused, but this is the choice of these people who are too lazy to deal with their children and with themselves. They put a cell phone in front of the child and think they solved the problem. I refer to my personal experience where some parents put the mobile phone in front of the 40-day-old child, so that he stops crying and stays calm”, said pediatrician Lira Gjika.

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