The leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, issued today a statement to the media on the situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in Albania.
In his speech on the recovery plan from the COVID-19 epidemic, Basha presented the 5 steps that according to him the Democratic Party would implement in this situation.
Basha further accused the government of not supporting the citizens saying that the path it has chosen is not the right one to face the pandemic.
“These 6 months have been difficult months for all citizens, for entrepreneurship, everyone has felt the direct pandemic health consequences, economic or social. These 6 months have not served to implement a plan of measures for Covid and the effects it has had. Making mistakes is human, but for the opposition these are faults not mistakes.
“Our recovery plan has 5 steps. This is the offer we make to the government in these last 6 months, towards health and well-being of the citizens:
1. Support and prepare the health system for another outbreak, designed by good specialists. Increase covid-19 tests to 2500 per day. We are with the lowest tests in the region. Full reimbursement of those who have costs for treatment with covid. 6 thousand lek is the average cost for those treated at home. It goes up to 10 thousand lek per month. Nothing is reimbursed. One point is full refund. Another third point is the protection of doctors. Protective equipment is not enough. 1000 euros salary for doctors and 500 euros for nurses.
2. Educate our children safely: Ensure that children and teachers at school are safe by a) improving sanitation in schools, including running water supply, protective masks and regular disinfection of learning facilities.
b) Perform periodic testing for teachers and support staff.
3. No Albanian should be neglected:
a) Support those who have lost their jobs. Every individual who has lost his job due to the pandemic during this year, to receive a monthly check of 16 thousand new lek per month, in addition to the legal payment for unemployment, for a period of 6 months.
4. Small Business Assistance: Direct support for all small businesses affected by the pandemic. A check of 1000 euros for each small active business.
5. Support for manufacturing business and large employers:
a) For the next 6 months, a subsidy of 50% of the rent for work premises or abolition of the property tax for businesses that own work premises.”
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