PDK wins elections in Kosovo

09/06/2014 00:00

The Democratic Party of Kosovo leads the elections with 39,91%, the
Democratic League of Kosovo with 25,83% and the Self-Determination
Movement with 13,57%.

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo received 9,53%, the Initiative for Kosovo 5,29% and the New Kosovo Alliance is still under the threshold with 4.68%.

The materials were sent at the ballot counting center, while the verifications are undergoing. The Central Election Commission is expected to declare the preliminary results this Monday evening. 43% of the total voters participated in these elections.

These are the second Parliamentary elections of Kosovo since the declaration of independence, and the first ones to be held in areas with Serbian majority.

The Kosovo Democratic Party declared victory at midnight, with the current party leader, Hashim Thaci.  After thanking all voters, Thaci declared that they will start working to realize the New Mission, which plans to create 200,000 new jobs and a 1,5 billion EUR fund.

The Democratic League of Kosovo made no press release, and Arban Abrashi from their electoral headquarters said they will hold a declaration on Monday.

The Central Election Commission is continuing with the ballot counting and declared that the results will be declared during Monday.

The Self-Determination Movement considered the result as successful, and that they have doubled their votes. According to the Self-Determination, this result shows a consolidation of the left concept among Kosovo voters.

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, sent a congratulatory message to the Kosovo Democratic Party leader, Hashim Thaci, which was posted on his Facebook profile.

Fatmir Sejdiu, former President of Kosovo, declared that these elections showed the democratic culture of the Kosovo citizens.

He added that after the election will be over in a democratic manner, the real winners will be the citizens of Kosovo and the European perspective.

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