PDK Congress in Prishtina

26/01/2013 00:00

The Democratic Party of Kosovo is holding its Congress in Prishtina, in
which the new leader will be elected, most likely a reelection of the
incumbent Hashim Thaci.

The DPK vice leader, Hajredin Kuci, thanked the collaborators of the party and presented its priorities, emphasizing the citizens’ interests.

“I thank everyone who kept DPK alive for 30 years. Our first goal is the life quality of our citizens. Together we will elect those who better represent the citizens’ interests”, Kuci declared.

In this Congress were invited MPs from the Democratic Party of Albania, the Socialist leader, Edi Rama, and the Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta.

Meta expressed his conviction that the DPK will keep contributing for Kosovo’s stability and progress with high responsibility.

“The DPK founders led Kosovo’s liberation war. The same people today have taken the responsibility to lead Kosovo’s interior processes and the regional matters”, Meta declared.

“I think that these responsibilities go even further. This is responsibility is for the future, and I believe that the DPK leadership will complete them”, he continued.

The leader of the Democratic League of Dardania, Nexhat Daci, expressed his trust that the DPK leaders will know how to govern Kosovo for the best of its citizens.

Albanian parties from Macedonia and Montenegro also expressed their support through their representatives, confirming the continuing cooperation.

The leader of the Socialist Party of Albania, Edi Rama, started his speech by commemorating the Kosovo Liberation Army martyrs.

“Dear Hashim and friends of the DPK, this is a very important moment. In such moments it is impossible to not remember KLA and those who are not among us any more, but who had the courage to push forward a dream without which we wouldn’t have a free Kosovo”, Rama declared.

“I feel privileged in this convention, and I greet all of you on behalf of the Socialist Party. I think with all my heart that Thaci and DPK are on the right track. Kosovo is dialoguing today with those who yesterday were their enemies. Dialogue is the strength of those who know how to build peace”, declared the Albanian opposition leader.

Rama closed his speech with what he considered the ideal of all Albanians, the unification of the nation, which he said will become real through the European dream of both countries.

“Our ideal is the unification of Albanians as a nation, the same ideal that the founders of our state had in the beginning. We will go to Europe united, same as the eagle with two heads and one body”, Rama declared.

The Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, held a speech in which he mentioned the war for freedom and also the reality of free Kosovo.

“Our dream was to be like today, united. We are closing a century of division. For us is starting a new century that will bring down the iron curtain for a free Kosovo. This is the era of democratic order, of hopes and freedom. We all had one dream, to guarantee freedom and peace together with the other free countries. We had the courage to fight and we won. What started as a dream is today a reality, and Kosovo is a state”, Thaci declared.

Promising that the government and he personally will help the Albanians in Presheva and Macedonia for their rights, the Prime Minister declared that the unification of the Albanian nation is unavoidable.

“The unification of Albanians was decided by the heroes of our freedom, from Ismail Qemali and KLA, and the Albanians in Macedonia and Presheva. Our unification will take place in the European Union”, Thaci declared.

The head of the Kosovo government valued Kosovo’s independence recognition by 100 countries, its membership in the World Bank, IMF, EBRD and the investments made by his government in infrastructure.

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