Payment still delayed for state administration

09/01/2013 00:00

The New Year has started with a bitter surprise for the state
administration, pensioners and other categories that are paid from the
state budget.

The government has not been able to deliver the payments for December, which, according to the deadlines, should have started on January 3rd.

For this reason, 110.000 state administration workers, hundreds of thousands of disabled people and some pensioners have not been paid yet.

“The first days of 2013 are confirming the deep crisis in which the Albanian state has plunged. To the list of dozens of disabled people, who have not been paid and were abandoned by the government, are added 90.000 workers from the public administration: doctors, teachers and nurses that have not been paid of December although we are reaching half of January”, declared the Socialist MP, Eglantina Gjermeni.

Although there have been delays even before, this is an unprecedented case. The government says that they have the funds and deny that the reason is the lack of money. They explain that the delays are caused by technical and bureaucratic difficulties.

“The truth is that there is no lack of funds. The lists of payments were not brought to the financial offices and everyone will take them without any problem”, Berisha declared.

Sources say for Top Channel that the Ministry of Finances has not closed the Budget Plans yet, a necessary step for starting the payments. This means that the delays might be even longer.

The Ministry of Finances, same as the entire administration, was not working on January 1st and 2nd. After they returned at work on January 3rd and 4th, the administration had another two days of holidays for the weekend. This was the cause of the delays that are leaving hundreds of thousands of workers without payment.

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