Patozi: Opposition not doing its job

22/09/2011 00:00

Astrit Patozi, vice leader of the Democratic Party, declared for Top
Channel’s program “Top Story” that the opposition is not doing its job
by not approving the Parliament laws, regressing this way in the road
towards EU integration.

“We made a step back today, because the opposition returned with its conditions in Parliament. The opposition did not accept to vote even against these laws. We are facing a dramatic situation due to the opposition”, Patozi declared.

“The Albanians were expecting more from the opposition, because Rama had declared that his party would take a new course, but nothing has changed”, the Democratic Party vice leader declared.

“We will continue our course. The opposition had promised cooperation for the integration process. The recommendations of the international community cannot be fulfilled without the opposition’s cooperation, and the opposition accepted to make this without any condition, but they didn’t keep their promise”, Patozi declared.

“The Albanian citizens expect the opposition to do its job. Today we should have approved fie laws. We cannot be grateful to the opposition only for returning to Parliament, because it is their duty”, Patozi declared.

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