Patozi: “Basha offered me an agreement. We will resist with everything”

04/07/2017 00:00

The former Democratic Party vice leader, Astrit Patozi, who aspires to
lead the party, said the DP cannot progress with Lulzim Basha, who,
according to him, is responsible for the biggest loss in 27 years.

“If I was Basha, I would have found it hard to be just a party member, with that result. The Democratic Party cannot progress with Mr.Basha, who had four years to experiment something and failed. I am convinced that if Basha will stand behind a false electoral process, he will be able to destroy the Democratic Party even more. He gave us the proof and we all saw it”, Patozi declared.

As for the electoral process for party leader, in which he cannot run, Patozi said he was offered an agreement recently, which hje refused.

Patozi said that thousands of Democratic members will unite to bring the party back to its statutory path. He promised to react strongly even to interventions that Sali Berisha will make to the process.

“I have been his collaborator for 20 years, but I have had the courage to tell him when he is doing a mistake. I will do it tomorrow as well, if it will happen again”, Patozi said.

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