Patozi about critics from DP: No one has the monopoly of the opposition

23/04/2019 17:26

Astrit Patozi, one of the founders of the newest opposition party, said on Top Channel’s Top Talk that no one has the monopoly of the opposition.

His newest party was accused by the Democratic Party, where Patozi and the others founders come from.

“No one has the monopoly of the opposition. Every citizen depends on the relation that he has with the government. I have always been against the Socialist Party. They are free to burn their mandates. I am free to make my distinction between the government and those who think that they can bring the government down through suicide”, Patozi declared.

“We expect all political parties to attend the elections. The quality of the elections is more important than the result”, Patozi said.

The new party will be different from others, according to Patozi. Rather than having a leader, it will have a leading board.

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