The Commission of Laws decided to propose the Parliament to establish an
investigative commission against the two Parliament’s representatives
at the High Council of Justice, Elvis Cefa, Vice Chairman, and Lulzim
Lelcaj, member.
“This is the establishing of a Parliamentary Commission that will review the request of a group of MPs for discharging two HCJ members elected by the Parliament, Elvis Cefa and Lulzim Lelcaj, over serious law violations. The Commission will verify the data, the facts and circumstances for a law violation by the HCJ members. The Commission is made of nine members, five from the majority and four from the opposition”, declared the Chairman of the Commission, Fatmir Xhafa.
According to the report signed by 39 MPs of the majority, the two HCJ members have violated the law in 10 cases with their actions and their failure to act.
The HCJ members said they are ready to face the Commission, but they added that it is unconstitutional.
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