Parliamentary debates started by accusations about Enver Hoxha

29/05/2014 00:00

Today’s parliamentary session got tense when parties started accusing
each other about ties with the former dictator, Enver Hoxha, and the
communist regime, after the former Parliament Speaker accused her
successor about this, Ilir Meta.

This argument caused constant declarations between former Prime Minister Berisha and Prime Minister Rama.

Rama had refused to talk about these declarations from the opposition.

“One crazy man throws a stone in a pond, and 100 wise men keep arguing about it. Let the crazy man throw his stones, and let’s continue with our agenda”, Rama declared.

“I want to talk about our common objective. From my visit in Netherlands, I found out that we live in different worlds. None of what our opposition is waving here loudly is part of the discussion with our partners. What we hear in this room is about another Albania. I guarantee you that the work of this alliance, the parliament and the government, is enjoying more support and respect from our international partners”, the Prime Minister declared.

Rama added that it is a pity that the opposition’s agenda has nothing to do with the concerns of our partners. “Their concerns are that we should go forward, with more determination”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister added that very soon they will see what brings for the country and the region the dynamics of our foreign policy.

“We have returned dignity to our country. We are doing what the Albanian people voted us for”, Rama declared, saying to the opposition that they are lost in the path of a single man.

I don’t want to fall prey of the opposition’s provocations. Our battle is not against the opposition, but against the problems that they left us”, Rama declared.

The former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, declared that Rama’s time has come to an end. “No one trusts you anymore. You art to create difficult situation for covering your scandals is shameful. This opposition will not back off, even if you gather all criminals by your side”.

“We will defend the interests of our citizens from crime and corruption. The citizens must know the truth. The man who came to power by buying 40% of the votes is not calm, is afraid from the opposition”, Berisha declared.

Harsh debates between Braçe and Berisha

The plenary session continued with harsh debates between the Socialist Party Parliament Member, Erion Brace, and the former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, for whom Brace said that he should answer for a series of issues, including the four murders of January 21st and the sale of our country’s territory.

Brace asked the Parliament Speaker to continue the meeting behind closed doors, in order to review a secret file of the Secret Service, which, according to Brace, implicates the opposition’s Parliament Members.

Halimi: Rama, responsible for the violence against Strazimiri

Eduard Halimi underlined in the plenary session that Prime Minister Rama is responsible for the violence against the opposition Parliament Member, Gent Strazmiri, referring to the moment when the Democratic Strazmiri had a physical clash with a Socialist Party Parliament Member after exchanging harsh verbal comments.

“The opposition’s Parliament Member has been physically attacked. This didn’t happen by chance. The secretary of the parliamentary group of the opposition was attacked because he is saying the truth about the drug traffic. Rama is responsible for the violence that has been used, just because the Parliament Member told the truth. But he is wrong if he thinks that he will make us shut up”, declared Halimi, member of the Democratic Party.

Halimi added that the crime has raised with Rama in power.

“Citizens know who was the responsible of this situation. They don’t need to see Rama on the media with drugs on his hands. The Albanian people saw how the drug traffickers transported drugs with airplanes in broad daylight”, Halimi declared.

Topalli: Who speaks against Rama, gets attacked

Topalli declared that a new chapter has started in Albania, where those who speak against Rama, are attacked, referring to the moment when the Democratic Strazmiri had a physical clash with a Socialist Party Parliament Member after exchanging harsh verbal comments.

“Parliament Member Strazimiri continued the opposition’s mission and was attacked. This was the mafia-style attack against the opposition, which is not allowed to talk against the drug traffic”, declared the Democratic Party Parliament Member.

“People with a criminal past have been hired by the new government. Mafia is staying in our institutions”, Topalli declared.

Balla: The more we get closer to the status, the more the opposition tries to ruin the moment

The Socialist Parliament Member, Taulant Balla, declared that the opposition is trying to ruin an important moment, the candidate status for Albania”.

The Socialist Parliament Member declared that Sali Berisha must leave this country alone.

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