The spirit of cooperation that was shown at the meeting for the
judiciary reforms was greeted by the Investigative Commission that is
built for firing the two members of the High Council of Justice, Elvis
Cefa, vice Chairman, and Lulzim lelcaj, member.
Chairman Armand Subashi appealed the Democratic Party supporters to be part of this investigative commission, after calling it a good start of cooperation between the majority and the opposition. This appeal was not something new, though. What was new in the message addressed to the political opponents was the fact that he mentioned the Commission for a Judiciary Reform one day after the meeting that didn’t give any clear result.
“This might have been the right moment, a turning point for the opposition and our colleagues. Let’s start their participation with the Justice Reform Commission”, Subashi declared.
The declaration of the Chairman of the Investigative Commission for another Justice Reform Commission might mean that he was referring to the format declared by the majority for the justice reform.
The President declared one day ago that they have established working groups that will continue the conference that started this Monday, declaring it as a conclusion accepted by all parties.
The opposition must have agreed with this declaration of the president, after their declaration that the reform must be done by experts of the system. Now they are waiting for the way how the majority will intervene in the much-criticized judiciary system.
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