Parliament rejects Presidential decrees

01/09/2014 00:00

The Parliament started the new session by reviewing the decrees of the
Albanian President, which had returned some of the most important laws
that the majority passed in the last session.

The majority rejected all the decrees, except for the one that decrees Ermonela Felaj as Minister of the Relations with Parliament.

The Parliament rejected the Presidential decree for the territorial division with 81 votes against and no one in favor. The decree for the State Police law was rejected with 79 votes, while the decree for the High Council of Justice with 78.

The Parliament also rejected all decrees for the Magistrate School and the Administrative Court.

Rama: “The judiciary, territorial and police reforms are priorities”

Before the voting, Prime Minister Edi Rama reconfirmed the commitment of the majority, which, according to him, goes beyond that of the government for resolving the citizens’ problems.

Rama said that to reach this goal they need to realize the national priorities, such as the territorial reform, the justice reform and the state police reform, which, he added, were unfortunately rejected by the President.

“The justice reform is also a national priority, and it cannot be a partial priority. The citizens want us to end the system of closed-doors institutions.

The territorial reform is a national priority that can never be a party priority. The citizens want us to end the closed door system for institutions. The territorial reform is certainly a national priority, considered as imperative even by the previous governments. Unfortunately, the president organizes meetings with the right winged local leaders after the Parliament voted the reform.

A national priority is the fight against crime and guaranteeing a normal safety standard for our citizens. The police reform was planned in cooperation with our partners who assist the state police. But the president returned this priority too.

We don’t have time to lose. This country had a parliament that attacked the president until yesterday, and now it has a president that attacks the government”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister answered to the opposition’s accusations, which says that the majority is trying the shut their voice in Parliament.

“Trying to shut the opposition’s voice? Not only this has not been true, but the opposition is allowed to speak beyond any limit”, Rama declared.

Meta: Responsibility, transparency and accountability

Prime Minister Ilir Meta valued the reforms undertaken in the past session, and warned that what comes later will be even more difficult.

“The Parliament faces huge challenges. This session it will be very important to treat responsibility, transparency and accountability”, Meta declared.

As for the reforms, the SMI leader underlined the judiciary one, which, according to him, should be more comprehensive. For this he invited the opposition to give its contribution.

“The judiciary reform should be deep, all inclusive and efficient. The opposition will be welcomed to give its contribution in this reform”, Meta declared.

The Parliament speaker invited the MPs to approve the ethical code as soon as possible, which would give a calmer and more constructive parliamentary process.

Meta gathered the Parliamentary group of the SMI before the session, and guaranteed that this party will be constructive and reformist.

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