Parliament passes Normative Act

17/10/2013 00:00

The Albanian majority passed the Normative Act for postponing the entering in effect of the Civil Service law.

The center left used it qualified majority of 84 votes to pass the Normative Act that postpones the Civil Employee law with six months, in order to prepare the sub-legal acts that will make it applicable. The four votes against came from the Parliament Members of the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity.

The opposition, which has boycotted the Parliament for more than one week, has sent four leaders to appeal the majority to withdraw from this act. The Democratic Party Parliamentary Group leader, Ed Paloka, declared that this movement of the majority is giving a strong hit to the consensus of six months ago, a consensus asked by Brussels for one of the laws that were a condition for the country’s integration.

Convinced that this act aims to make a political cleansing of the administration, the opposition representatives considered the dialogue invitation a farce. The Socialist Party Parliamentary Group leader, Gramoz Ruci, replied by saying that it is a new standard that a majority that has all 84 votes that are needed is giving the opportunity to the opposition to give its contribution.

Rama: We have 84 votes, but we want dialogue

Prime Minister Edi Rama declared that the majority has the 84 necessary votes for every reform, but the majority is still asking the opposition for dialogue.

Rama declared that the people’s trust fills them with more responsibility and makes it impossible for them to not realzie the promises given.

Rama declared that the Normative Act has all the understanding of the European Union, on behalf of which the opposition is mistakenly speaking now.

“We made it clear for the Albanian people who gave us the biggest mandate since 1992, so that they can make us accountable tomorrow for our job. The people has decided to give us this mandate, so that we cannot escape from the demand of this country for justice, for economic recovery, for an administration that serves to the citizens and not one that serves only to the party in power”, Rama declared.

Rama underlined that the duty of this majority is to government the country, and not to profit from power.

Rama theksoi se detyra e kësaj maxhorance është qeverisja e vendit dhe jo pushtetit dhe përfitimi nëpërmjet tij.

“Nëse kjo shumicë nuk do të mbahet mend se arriti të ndërtojë një administratë në shërbim të qytetarit, cdo gjë tjetër mund të jetë relative dhe e harrueshme. Ajo çfarë na mban kaq larg Europës është detyra për të krijuar një administratë të besueshme”, tha Rama.

Idrizi: No to boycott. Against Normative Act

The leader of the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity, Shpetim Idrizi, declared that his Parliamentary group rejected the Democratic Party’s boycott, but they will vote against the Normative Act due to the lack of consensus.

Paloka: Withdraw Normative Act

As warned, the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, did not withdraw from their decision to oppose the Normative Act.

The Democratic Party Parliamentary Group leader, Edi Paloka, underlined that by ruining the consensus of May 30th they are damaging the future of our country.

“The progress-report opened the candidate status path based on the work done by the Democratic Party. I don’t know in which part of the report Rama read ‘leading’ instead of ‘cooperation’”, Paloka declared.

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