Parliament passes law for illegal buildings since 2009

12/06/2015 00:00

ALUIZNI (gency for the Legalization, Urban Planning, and Integration of
Informal Areas/ Constructions) started the second procedure in which
citizens can register building they have constructed without permit
since 2009.

The Parliament approved an annex of the Legalization Law, which will allow the legalization of 50.000 objects in a pending status, due to the Criminal Code amends, which consuderated illegal construction a criminal act.

“I appeal to all citizens who have built on somebody else’s property from 2009 to 2014, to make the declarations at our offices. Many have already done it but we could not act”, Lame declared.

The Head of ALUIZNI, Artan Lame, declared that the Parliament is expected to pass the draft law for the amnesty of these constructions.

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