Parliament passed new status for oil workers

23/01/2017 00:00

The Parliament of Albania discussed two draft-laws for the status of oil
workers, one fro the initiator of this law, Omer Mamo of the PJIU, and
one coming from the government.

The Democratic Party accused the government of wanting to take his merits by bringing another law, while Mamo says that he would let the government pass its own law, since it is the same with his, and passing it is more important than being recognized as the author.

Geology engineer Vlash Nakuci said that oil workers have contributed to the state budget, and its workers will continue contributing even in the future.

There are 5000 workers and former workers who benefit, starting with a 50% increase of the minimal pay, or 33.000 ALL.

If oil companies will be restructured again in the future, they will be forced to pay workers 80% of the minimal pay.

The pension age is also reduced with five years, and gives them more health care benefits, which will cost the budget 400 million ALL a year.

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